
We are a community of believers,united in our common purpose... to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ.  You always have an open invitation to worship with us on Sundays, attend any of our church functions and events, get involved in our many mission and outreach opportunities,  and be a part of our church family.

Great is your Faithfulness in supporting our Church. 

We are united in our love and caring concern for each other, our church family, our community, and nation.   We have re-opened to in person worship on Sunday mornings and continue to show our services on Facebook Live at 10 a.m. on Sunday for those who aren't comfortable with in person or who do not live locally.  

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.






 8:45 Adult Sunday School Room 1
 10:00 Worship in the Sanctuary
Youth Group 11:15 to 12:15


Our Location

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Wilmington United Methodist Church
50 E Locust St Wilmington, OH 45177
United States
Phone: 937-382-1465