
Fellowship Opportunities for Everyone

We believe that it is in the small group atmosphere that relationships are built, faith is developed and nurtured, and true spiritual growth begins.  Check out our Fellowship Groups below and check the event calendar for current meeting information.


Cover to Cover Book Club:  This group meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month in the church parlor at 10am.  Each month a new book is selected for discussion.  If you love reading and fellowship, then come join the group.  Check the online calendar for details and the current book.  Host:  Ashley Clements. 

Hands With Heart Craft Club:  This group enjoys crafting together on the first Thursday of each month at 1pm in Fellowship Hall.  All are welcome to attend.  The craft varies, the fellowship is steadfast! 

Girlfriends Events:  Come join the fun and fellowship and bring all your gal pals! 
      Gamin' Gals game night on the 2nd Friday of every month
      Flicker Chicks:  movie night for the gals on the 4th Tuesday of the month
      Ladies Lunch Bunch: lunch out for the ladies on the 3rd Tuesday of the month   
      Cover to Cover Book Club:  meets in the parlor on the 2nd Saturday of the month
      The Hands with Heart Craft Group:  watch the Newsletter for meetings and events

Dinner Out Group:  Organized by Valerie Smart, this is a fun group that gets together for ... you guessed it, dinner out!  See Valerie Smart for more information.

Men's Monthly Prayer Breakfast:  Join the men of our church as they gather the 2nd Saturday each month for breakfast and fellowship at 8:30am in Fellowship Hall. It's a great way to meet people, build friendships and renew your spirit. 

United Methodist Women:   WUMC has a very active group of women that gather monthly for fellowship, mission, and spiritual growth.  They meet each month (watch the calendar for dates/times).  During the year they provide many special opportunities for mission and fellowship.  

Youth Groups:  Our Jr. Youth Group (6th - 8th grades) is led by  is led by Jill Wilson and Jeff Stevenson.  Youth group provides an opportunity for discipleship, mission, faith-building, and of course...fun and friendship!!! Meetings are Sundays @ 11:45 AM in the Youth Lounge.